We want to use the EEPROM on our blade (i.e., LATOURNETT) to store the FRU/SDR information. What solution can you suggest ensuring that this information is read during the discovery phase, after the board has been inserted?
Note that this question has already been addressed in this post.
by default the IPMC stores the SDR/FRU information in the EEPROM on the mezzanine. This was done to be independent of the ATCA blade design. As far as I understand you would like to use an EEPROM on the ATCA blade instead, which may be of interest in case you are planning to swap the IPMC mezzanine cards. Although this is supported by the PigeonPoint software framework, this is currently not supported by the XML scheme (but it may be possible implement it using custom defines in a user header file). We will however first have to test this, in particular the interplay with the HPM upgrade, since all users so far use the mezzanine on the EEPROM for FRU/SDR storage. BTW, is your EEPROM connected to the MGT I2C bus?