Dear CERN-IPMC supports,
We are now developing ATCA blades using CERN-IPMC.
There are threshold values of UNR (Upper Non Recovery), UC, UNC, LNC, LC, and LNC. How can I understand the responses to these events?
In the case of the temperature sensor, this alert is propagated to the shelf managers’ cooling algorithms. I found the details of the cooling algorithm in the Pigeon Point Shelf Manager User Guide, and the behavior is consistent with the document.
What happens if the alerts are asserted on the voltage sensors? I observed the shutdown and power-on of 12VDC controlled by the CERN IPMC.
Hi Shota,
Thanks for your message. The default cooling algorithm of the PigeonPoint ShelfManager is indeed described in the User Guide and works on thermal sensors and their corresponding thresholds.
I guess that adding actions on other sensors and their thresholds, e.g. voltages and currents, requires defining Platform Event Filters (PEF) - but I am not an expert in this at all. Unfortunately, the experts are on holiday this week. Do you think your question could wait until next week?
Hi Ralf,
Thanks for prompt reply. I understand the case of the cooling and the situation for other sensors. Since the question is not so urgent, I can wait for that. I will check the PEF and keep watching this thread.