MMC Sensor Threshold Read Back Issue

Hi Julian,

With your help, we have successfully used the MMC in an iRTM board. Thank you very much!

I added two sensors (TEMP_RTM and RTM_12V) in the MMC code and it works well.


But when I tried to read back the sensor threshold values in the shelf manager using “clia getthreshold board 3”, I always get wrong values: 0xc0,0x51 and 0x29.

Even if I changed the value in the code, still return the same values.


I am sure I set different threshold for each sensor and the threshold do works.

For example: the TEMP_RTM sneosr upper critical threshold is 85C, when the temp raeah 86C, the shelfmanager do received the alert and shut down the board via IPMC.

I think there may be a bug in the MMC code when read back the threshold values, may be the read address are not set correct.

Could you help us have a look if you get some time?

Thank you very much!

Best Regards,


Dear Weigang,

Sorry for the delay, I just came back from vacation this Monday. Thank you for all of the nice details you provided. I have to set-up a system to test what you described and look at it carefully.

I write you as soon as I get something.


Hi Weigang, or Mathieu,

I made some test and on my side, the thresholds are well set ! However, looking a bit deeper into your code, I saw that the value you set are raw values. However, in the init function of the drivers use a function named val_to_raw that transform the value set from decimal to raw.

Therefore, if you use this function in your driver, you have to specify the threshold using decimal values and not raw. That might explain why you get such values.


Hi Mathieu,

Did you have a chance to look at this ? Did you solved this issue ?
