DHCP doesn't work anymore

Hi all,
as the title says we can’t see DHCP requests anymore when the IPMC boots.
The ethernet interface works, it’s just using the default ip address.
This is the config snippet:

Has anything changed here, do I need other settings?



Hello Ulf,

we cannot see the “snippet” in your posting. Can you send it to me by e-mail?
In general we have not changed anything on our side. Did you re-compile the F/W for the IPMC and upload a new version? Right now it is not clear to me how we can help.



Hi all,

I am replying to this email in order to get the conversation back into the Discourse forum (added in CC). I think that it would be better to have the discussion in Discourse so that we can use it as reference for similar problems in the future.

As for the problem at hand, I would think that, if it works for other IPMCs, it could be related to the DHCP setup … is the MAC address registered with your DHCP server? Which address is it using? Do you have the printout from the console (SDI) when the IPMC boots?



Hi Ralf,

I will reply here since it was me who was bothering Ulf at the beginning. On the DTH board we have a gigabit network switch, and during the network tests I discovered that IPMC network interface is UP at 100 Megabit but it is silent, i.e. IPMC is not sending any packets. On a different board where we also have IPMC (I don’t know what firmware version) I can see DHCP packets being periodically sent.

Attached is a boot log from this IPMC we are talking about. Somehow, there is a fixed IP address configured Pinging on this address works. However, I understood that Ulf configured the firmware to do the DHCP and not to use the fixed IP address. So we are wondering from where this is coming.

Best regards,

Hi Markus,

Sorry for the spam. In order to continue the topic in Discourse by replying to emails, the generic email address that I added in cc earlier, had to be changed to cernipmc.webapp@cern.ch (CERN-IPMC Support).

I apologize if I am kind of hi-jacking this conversation for testing the integration between email and Discourse. I hope that you agree, that having the conversation finally in Discourse will be very useful.



Hi Markus,

Yes, I can setup a DHCP server for you. However, the important thing here is that it this particular case having a DHCP server will not help - the IPMC firmware that we are testing on this particular IPMC doesn’t send any DHCP discover/request packets, so it doesn’t contact the DHCP server. It can be easily verified by running tcpdump on a PC that is connected to the Ethernet port of IPMC.

I guess we are dealing with some firmware configuration issue. We need to get the firmware into the state where it is sending DHCP packets.

Best regards,

Hello Petr,

As mentioned we have not tested DHCP so far and I would like to learn some of the basic skills. I have today created a F/W that uses DHCP and, like you, don’t see much on the debug port. We may have to send a mail to PigeonPoint in order to understand how we can get more logs from the system that help us to understand and debug the DHCP procedure.

If you are not too busy, we could occasionally meet in my office and you could show me how you are using tcpdump.

