CERN IPMC remote compilation of project directory

Dear all,

I hope this email finds you well.

This is to inform you that we have improved the remote compilation from the CERN IPMC web application.

On the CERN IPMC web application remote compilation page you can now select the new “Project directory mode” in the top line. After that, pressing the button “Upload directory and compile” you will be prompted to specify the path to your project directory. The web application will upload the config.xml file and all files of the /ipmc-user and /ipmc-sensors sub-directories and compile the project. When done, in the last line of the “terminal” window you have the possibility to download a zip file with all images or the hpm1all.img file only (which is often sufficient).

This method simplifies the procedures used up to now: in the “Standard Mode” only config.xml file was uploaded, and in the “Advanced Mode” the files were required to be provided in three different zip files.

The new mode also improves over using the script, because using a web browser with or without two-factor authentication, you only need to log in once, and you do not have to enter your credentials for every compilation.

Please let us know if you need any help or encounter any difficulties with the new mode: CERN IPMC Discourse forum or


Ralf, on behalf of the CERN IPMC support team